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Village House Solar Panel Installation

Solar Future Honk Kong

    Installation – Village Houses

    New Territories Village Houses in Hong Kong are usually standardised at 700 sq ft,  three stories high with a rooftop.

    Buildings Department Legislation for Solar PV Installation:

    • Maximum coverage of 50% of rooftop area is permissible but limited extension over the sides is also permissible and allows for installation size to be greater than 350 sq ft.
    • Maximum height of a Solar Panel Installation is 2.5m
    • Our installations usually have a minimum height underneath of 2.1m, allowing a great shady space to enjoy on hot summer days and cooling the rooftop and top floor down noticeably, assisting to reduce air conditioning costs
    • Registration with Lands Department and EMSD required after installation is complete – we handle this for you

    Construction time:

    • The typical Village House build takes 3 to 4 days for the physical construction and 3 to 4 days for the electrical installation

    The Solar PV system needs to be connected to the main fuse board in the house.

    Benefits of Solar PV Installation on a Village House in Hong Kong

    • Solar Panels act as a raised heat shield preventing heat buildup on the roof and reducing the heat load in the house, reducing air-conditioning expense
    • The area underneath the Solar Installation provides a shady space for recreation
    • The Solar Installation will earn revenue from electricity sales to the Power Utility (CLP/ HKE), quickly paying for itself and ensuring reduced electricity costs for the homeowner for decades to come
    • For a Landlord with a tenanted property, sales of electricity generated by the Solar Installation can form a welcome source of additional revenue from your investment property, in some cases adding up to the equivalent of a 13th months’ rent!

    The best investment you can make in your home or building

    SolarFuture focus on building functional Renewable Energy Solar PV Systems in the Residential and Commercial sectors.


    Room 606, 6/F, Hollywood Centre, No. 77-91 Queens Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
    © 2022 Solar Future Hong Kong. All Rights Reserved.
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